Middle Class Residential District
d10 | Points of Interest |
1 | Community Park |
2 | Shopping Plaza |
3 | Family Diner |
4 | Public Library |
5 | Local Gym |
6 | Movie Theater |
7 | Public School |
8 | Coffee Shop |
9 | Neighborhood Bar |
10 | Apartment Complex |
d10 | Random Encounters |
1 | A kid chasing after a runaway dog |
2 | A heated argument in a parking lot |
3 | A street performer drawing a crowd |
4 | A lost tourist asking for directions |
5 | A fender-bender causing traffic |
6 | A group of teens causing mischief |
7 | A garage sale attracting curious shoppers |
8 | A jogger nearly colliding with a cyclist |
9 | A neighbor helping someone carry groceries |
10 | A food delivery driver struggling to find an address |
d20 | Descriptors |
1 | Suburban |
2 | Cozy |
3 | Family-friendly |
4 | Bustling |
5 | Community-driven |
6 | Modest |
7 | Tree-lined |
8 | Walkable |
9 | Friendly |
10 | Safe |
11 | Middle-income |
12 | Lively |
13 | Comfortable |
14 | Laid-back |
15 | Affordable |
16 | Slightly worn-down |
17 | Nostalgic |
18 | Practical |
19 | Balanced |
20 | Diverse |