Government district

d10 Points of Interest
1 City Hall
2 Courthouse
3 Police Headquarters
4 Public Library
5 DMV Building
6 Mayor’s Office
7 National Archives
8 State Capitol Building
9 Public Park with Monuments
10 Government Records Office
d10 Random Encounters
1 Protest spilling into the streets
2 High-profile trial attracts media frenzy
3 Lost tourist asks for help
4 Heavily guarded motorcade passing through
5 Heated argument outside City Hall
6 Important documents left unattended
7 Mysterious figure slips an envelope to someone
8 Security checkpoint causes a major delay
9 Government building evacuation in progress
10 Anonymous tipster looking for someone to listen
d20 Descriptors
1 Bureaucratic
2 Austere
3 Crowded
4 Watchful
5 Orderly
6 Cold
7 Ornate
8 Historic
9 Monolithic
10 Secure
11 Grand
12 Controlled
13 Political
14 Structured
15 Traditional
16 Formal
17 Restrictive
18 Influential
19 Official
20 Intimidating