How to Play
To start playing we need to answer a few questions.
Where? Who? What and Why? How?
Create a Setting or backdrop for the characters to exist in
First thing we need to know is where are we going to be playing. You can use the Setup Ideas tables to assist you in your thought process.
Genre: Urban Fantasy
- Modern World
- Magic: Low Magic -- magic exists but it is hard to come-by
- Access: PCs have access, but most regular folks do not
- Technology: High Technology -- technology and science exist and are easy to come-by
- Access: Everyone has access
This sets the stage for what your characters can do.
The characters are the heart of the story.
- Come up with a compelling Character Concepts.
- Create a character sentence for each character.
- (optional) Flesh out the character with a Character Creation method.
Character Sentence
[Name] is a [descriptor] [species] [type] who [does something].
This sentence defines the characters at a high grain detail.
Each of the words in the brackets are tags that describe your character. They can be used to ease or hinder an action check.
Descriptors should define a key personality trait or something about the character that is a basic essence of the character. This can be good or bad, it is your character.
Species is just what it is. In an all human world or for a human character choose a second descriptor to fill in the sentence. The species of a character can tell a lot about what society perceives the character as. In some cases it could also be used in tasks that a species might be good at.
If you have a Psionic species. These characters are going to be really good with mental tasks, since that's what they're born to do. Mental tasks can be eased. But it also might make them vulnerable to psionics because they have a much more open mind. It's all about how your world works.
Types are what most other TTRPGs call classes or archetypes. They can range anywhere from Warrior as a most basic type to something as specific as Professional MMA Fighter.
The Does Something tag is one of the most important bits. This is a major defining action for your character. It can go hand in hand with the type, or it can be something completely off the wall and go against the types typical associations. This is what your character is know for or uses to their advantage.
- Uses Magic
- Wields Two Weapons
- Made a Deal with a Devil
- Entertains the Masses
The phrase should always start with a verb. While is, can or has are perfectly acceptable ways to start the sentence, try looking for action verbs instead.
What and Why?
What is the purpose of the game
Now that you have your characters and your setting it's time to think about what the character(s) are going to do. There are several methods you go could about doing this. I like The Oracle Method and the Quest Method.
The Oracle Method
If you have no idea start asking the Oracle questions. Some that are good to start with.
- Have the characters already met?
- Are the characters in a settlement?
- Do they have a mission?
- Do they work for anyone?
These questions will lead to other questions and you can surmise a beginning to your story. And then start playing in Story Mode.
The Quest Method
Sometimes you there is a general theme you want to do or don't want to have to interpret as much as with the Oracle method. That's where the Quest Method comes in.
You create a few random tables that help assist you in creating a decent quest idea that will help fuel the story forward.
Quest need a set of things before you can begin.
- A starting location
- A source of the quest
- The type of quest it is
- What is the objective of the quest
- What is the reward? or Why are you doing the quest?
- Where is the objective of the quest found?
There are some ideas for setting up a random quest list in the Setup Ideas.
Starting Location: Home Village
Source: Village apothecary
Type: Collection
Objective: Collect the ingredients for the antidote
Reward: A small bag of gold + Saving an NPC you need to speak to
Location: Varies/Multiple
The most important part -- have fun
Now you have a quest for your characters to go on in the world you've created. But how do you start?
That's where Story Mode comes in. And I've created a nice little app that you can use anywhere.
First things first, figure out how you find the source of the quest. You can already know how you did that or you can ask the oracle. If you don't know something, as the oracle.
Sometimes you need a better answer than Yes or No, or you need help interpreting the random keywords that the app gives you. Don't be afraid to consult other mediums for assistance. (Me personally, I like asking AI and using what I like from its suggestions to inspire the next thing.)
This is your game, and you should play it how you want to. This is what I do.
Sometimes I create a simple map in a 5x5 grid or a larger map in a 10x10 grid. Sometimes I have a hex map made in my favorite map making software. Sometimes I don't have a map at all. It's up to you to decide how to do it. But you don't need any of it. You can just ask the oracle and tell your story.
You can check out some of my setup work for a Monster Hunting game in the 001-Monster Hunting folder and follow along with an actual play in the Journal.